Paddy Festival 2016 - Our Ode to Rice
Let the festival begin
It is a joyous time in Nepal with the arrival of rice plantation season, which in turn means it’s time for Paddy festival 2016. Paddy festival (Asar in Nepali) is a long-standing tradition for the farming communities of Nepal and they commemorate the end of planting season with major merry-making, believing that happiness and celebration brings good luck and prosperous yields.
Learning the grain of life.
Rice, a staple heavyweight in the Nepali diet, is also an important export for Nepal and like for most Asian countries, rice is also deeply symbolic and plays a significant role of in Nepal’s religion and culture. The use of rice is prominent in Nepalese weddings, religious festivals, first feeding ceremonies and education initiation ceremonies due to its life-sustaining qualities. In line with the upcoming Paddy Festival 2016, we at Namas have scoured the web to bring you some of the most interesting facts about rice, as well as the insanely useful ways rice can be used, so read on to be wowed (like we were) by this unassuming grain.
Rice facts
Rice, scale and scope: Rice is not only the most widely consumed staple food, contributing to more than one-fifth of the world’s calories’ consumed by humans. It is also the third highest agricultural commodity produced by the world with over 400 million tonnes of milled rice produced each year!
Rice and medicinal potential: Rice is also widely recognised for medicinal purposes. Traditionally it was used to treat skin conditions, stomach upsets, heartburn, nausea and diarrhoea to name a few. Recently laboratory studies found the antioxidant vitamin E compound in rice to have anti-cancer properties, as well as having the potential to treat other conditions such as diabetes, kidney stones and heart disease.
Rice and Symbolism in Asia: The cultural significance of rice is prominent in most, if not all, Asian countries. Associating its polished whiteness with primordial purity, the Japanese seal marriages with exchanged sips of “sake” (rice wine) and “mocha” (rice cake). For the Chinese rice is elevated and revered as one of the Twelve Symbols of Sovereignty which represents Chinese imperial authority. In Borneo it is only when a young girl can cook a perfect bowl of rice that she is considered eligible for marriage. In Sanskrit rice ‘dhan’ meant 'sustainer of the human race' and many names of ancient Indian kings was derived from it. Even Shuddhodana, the father of Gautama Buddha, translates from Sanskrit to 'Pure Rice' or, more literally, 'Pure Gift'.
Insanely useful hacks for rice today
Rice as heat pack: Do you ache? If you do rice makes an amazing DIY heat pack. Simply google ‘rice heat-pack’ and you will find many easy-to-follow tutorials. If you don’t have the time and need something urgently, then get a sock and fill it with rice. Tie/stich the end so you don’t have any holes where rice can fall from. Then simply microwave it for 30 seconds and you are good to go!
Rice as a rescue for wet electronics: Rice acts as a drying agent due to its hygroscopic properties which attracts and absorbs moisture. In light of this should you ever drop your electronic goods in the bath, sink, pool (generally submerge it in water), don’t panic or let the universal gut sinking despair overwhelm you. Instead, run to your pantry and look for rice. If you have rice, then rest assured help is at hand. First, retrieve your electronic good and resist the urge to check if it works. Instead, immediately pull the battery out, extract the SIM (if phone) and any SD cards that may be in the said electronic good. Dry off with a towel and then place your good in an airtight container full of rice. It is best to leave it there for as long as you can. From personal experience it took two days for my phone to work as normal so I would recommend to leave it in rice for two days minimum to guarantee results.
Rice to ripen food faster: As insinuated in the point above, rice is also a great way to ripen fruit/vegetable faster. Simply store the said fruit/vegetable in an airtight container containing rice, checking it until it reaches your desired state. Then eat ^-^. This is a hack that I swear by, especially effective with ripening avocadoes.
Rice for glowing skin: This miracle grain not only feeds you, warms you * DIY heat-pack*, ripens food for you, fixes your wet electronics, but can also keep you looking your best. Rich in antioxidants that makes skin glow and appear youthful, it also has oil-absorbing properties that keeps skin refreshed. Like the other DIY projects above, getting glowing skin with rice is a really uncomplicated process. First soak rice in water for 15-30 minutes. After 30 mins, swirl it around so that the vitamins seep into the water and you should see the water turn cloudy. Cloudy is good and what you want. Strain the rice water into a clean bowl and your rice water toner is ready to use.
For the sake of brevity this is where I will end, but believe me when I say this article indicates only the surface of what this phenomenal grain can do. In fact, it is no wonder this miracle natural commodity is recognised for its great importance, holding religious and cultural significance for many cultures (not just Asian) around the world. So, like the jubilant farmers celebrating in Nepal, let us too celebrate Asar’s Paddy Festival 2016 and give this humble grain the adoration it deserves.
Paddy Fun
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Written by - Shanti Rai